The Gospel

Gospel Messages and Gospel Teaching

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that announceth glad tidings" (Is. 52: 7).

Home Page

A Preacher of the Old School - on death

Apron Factories - on how some Churches are supporting a false gospel of self-righteousness

Atonement and Reconciliation - what the Bible teaches on atonement and reconciliation

Authentic Conversion  - on what the Bible teaches about authentic conversion; four articles "Authentic Conversion", "Changed", "Conversion" and "What is Conversion?"

Believing God - on why we must believe God, not merely believe in God

Conviction - what the Bible says about conviction

Debt Forgiven - a short story illustrating how God in Christ has paid our debt

Established in the Gospel - the Gospel as outlined doctrinally in the epistle to the Romans: the importance of knowing how God has fully dealt with both sin and sins in the death of Christ

Four Men - on the four men in Scripture who never die

Good News for the Lost - how the Gospel is good news for the lost

How will You Die? - on the importance of dying in faith

Imputed Righteousness - what the Bible teaches as to imputed righteousness as contrasted with orthodox theology

Indifference - on the peril of indifference to the Gospel of Christ

Justification - the doctrine of justification in the Holy Scriptures; also includes a second article "Justification's Threefold Cord"

Justified from All Things - Acts 13: 38, 39 and how the believer in Christ is justified from all things in which he could not be justified in the law of Moses

No more Conscience of Sins - the work of Christ as giving the believer no more conscience of sins

No Second Chance - on the fact that there is no second chance of salvation after the rapture for those who have rejected Christ but also on how others will be blest

Proclaim the Word - on the necessity of preaching the Word of God despite men turning away from it

Redemption - the Biblical doctrine of redemption

Repentance and Sorrow - on how repentance is a change of mind about self and about God and is not simply sorrow for sin

Repentance - Is it Relevant? - why repentance is a fundamental part of the Christian Gospel

Saving Faith - on what saving faith really is; also includes a second article "Saving faith - What is it?"

Sins - Covered or Gone? - how the Bible teaches that the believer's sins are not covered (as in the Old Testament atonement) but gone - blotted out

Sound Preaching - on the centrality of God's righteousness in the Gospel

Teenage Dilemma - a message for teenagers growing up in a Christian home

The Blood of Atonement - a short story on how God provided the blood of the atonement through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ

The Brazen Serpent - the New Testament teaching of the Old Testament type of the brazen serpent

The End of the Lord - the Lord's end (or objective) in his dealings with Job and its relevance to the Gospel

The Fall: Fact or Fiction? - on what the Bible teaches about the fall of man

The First Prophet and His Prophecy - on Abel and the Gospel

The Gospel and It's Presentation - the Gospel or Glad Tidings of Christ in relation to God's sovereignty and Man's responsibility

The Gospel in the Gospels - on how the Gospel in the synoptic Gospels differs from the Gospel preached by Paul which he terms my Gospel; Plus a sequel: "My Gospel" on Paul's Gospel - on how the Gospel in the synoptic Gospels differs from the Gospel preached by Paul which he terms my Gospel

The Heart - two articles examining the central importance of the heart in true faith in God

The King of Terrors - on the defeat of death, the king of terrors

The Scarlet Thread - on Rahab the harlot and her deliverance from the destruction of Jericho

The Seven Sayings at the Well - on the conversation between the Lord of glory and the Samaritan woman at the well of Sychar

The Spirit's Work - on how we are utterly dependent on the sovereignty of the work of God through the Holy Spirit for new birth

The Telescope - the Telescope as an illustration of the true nature of faith

The Way back to God - the way back to God as illustrated by Cain and Abel

The Way to the City  - the way to the city (Ecclesiastes 10 verse 15) - on the true road to heaven contrasted with false roads

Two Sinners - on the parable of the tax-gatherer or the publican and the Pharisee

Two Ways - two ways - the way of Cain and the way of Abel. Also includes a second article entitled "Two Prisoners" on the Butler and the Baker.

Unity and the Gospel - on a false gospel and a false unity

Whose Sins did Christ Bear? - on the question of whose sins did Christ bear - the sins of everyone or just those who believe?

Ye Must be Born Anew - on what the Bible teaches as to new birth

A 269 page print/kindle book is also available from and The Gospel Expounded: Outlines on the Glad Tidings & related themes . ISBN: 978-1-7394928-3-0.

This book seeks to help ensure that new converts to the Lord Jesus Christ are built up in the faith, for it is not God's intention that we remain spiritual 'babes'. There is a depth to the Gospel that is not appreciated when we first come to Christ, and believers need to develop their understanding in order to become 'established' (see Rom. 1: 11). Why is this building up so vital? Because it feeds into both our witness and our worship! The doctrines that underpin the Gospel are explored here in some depth, but the book is really only a 'taster' as the field is wide and extensive. If the reader is thereby stimulated to study the Scriptures, then the prayer of the compiler will have been answered. For ordering and current prices please go to or